A photograph of Zack Yeomans

Zack Yeomans

Technical Support Officer

0121 790 0986

My first Job was as an IT Support Apprentice (Hated it) but now I’ve found a much more suited role as a Business Support Officer, and I Specialise in Process and Development/IT/Systems (Apparently). I started on the Kickstarter scheme at Niyya People just over a year ago now, and for some crazy reason, they’ve kept me! I started this job feeling quite shy and unsure of who I was and what I wanted to be, but being here has made me feel (slightly) less shy and awkward, and more confident than I’ve ever felt.

If you’re looking for a professional achievement, I can’t think of one, but fact I am still here is a bit of an achievement (joking). I’m a season Ticket holder at Aston Villa – also an avid beer drinker.